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What We Do

The YAB provides authentic youth collaboration of people with lived-expertise to improve systems that interact with young people. 


Authentic Youth Collaboration includes:

  • Feedback and Prospective 

  • Quality Improvement

  • Training and Teachings

  • Seats at Decision-Making Tables

  • & More

The Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project is an initiative by the Department of Housing and Urban Development to end youth homelessness. Dane County has been granted $2.5 million dollars to end youth homelessness. The Youth Action Board is at the heart of the YHDP project, working with the city staff and the community to ensure that youth homelessness is rare, brief, and non-recurring in our community. 


We are currently working to establish Madison's first young adult drop-in center, a system navigation project, as well as the first joint transitional housing-rapid rehousing project.
Through identifying what gaps exist in our community, we can provide targeted, equitable, respectful and accessible assistance, health care, family care, shelter options and educational services, no matter who you are or how you go about seeking service.

©2023 by Dane County Youth Action Board

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